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About Us

We are New Day Trends Limited, an independent retailer of stationeries, revision books and textbooks for all grades.

We believe that bookstores are essential to a healthy culture.
They are where authors can connect with readers, where we discover new writers, where children get hooked on the thrill of reading that can last a lifetime.
They are also anchors for our communities.

As more and more people buy their books online, we wanted to create an easy, convenient way for you to get your books.

Company Strategy.

Establish reliable customer network through customer care services and enhanced customer relationship for continuity, stability and profitability of our business.

Core Values.

  • Reliability
  • Efficiency
  • Integrity
  • God-Fearing


Newday Bookshop

Our Mission.

To build long term relationships with our customers and clients and provide exceptional customer services by pursuing business through innovation and advanced technology.

Our Vision.

To be a benchmark bookshop.

New Day Bookshop,

Opposite County Supermarket,
Kenol Town ,
MOBILE: +(254) 708-669-887, CONTACT PERSON: Jane Kabathi

Work Hours:
Days: Monday to Saturday
Time: 7:00AM - 7:00 PM